Accessories for PLAYmake
For our PLAYmake 4in1 workshop we offer a wide range of accessories.
This makes creating your own projects easy and fun.
From crafting a hand-made wooden pen or big dinosaur models, there is no limit for creativity.
All our accessories can also be ordered in our online store: shop.thecooltool.com
For ordering our products in the US. and Canada you can find our official partners here: PLAYmake US./Canada
Accessories for PLAYmake
Wooden pens blank walnut
This material package includes:
Wooden pen blanks inclusive the pen mine and components to build 15 pens.
15 Wooden pens made out of walnut
Can only be used in combination with Penmaker basic equipment (163600)
In diesem Materialpaket enthalten:
Nußholzkugelschreiberrohling mit dem Innenleben der Kugelschreiber inklusive.
15 Kugelschreiber in diesem Set enthalten
Kann nur in Verbindung mit Penmaker Grundausstattung (163600S) verwendet werden
![[Translate to English:]](/fileadmin/user_upload/Stiftset_1.jpg)